Race Day 2025 – Sunday, November 2 @ 11:00 AM *Pending Town Approval

Shipwrecked Falmouth in the Fall will use the race chip timing system. This system allows for all runners to receive an accurate time based on their crossings of the official start and finish lines. Your individual clock starts as soon as you pass over the mats located at the starting line, and likewise ends as you cross the mats at the finish line.


The course for Shipwrecked Falmouth in the Fall is an open race course.

Streets are open to traffic, so be sure to stay to the right (running with traffic) and always be aware of your surroundings.

Jogging strollers and dogs are not permitted.


Parking & Shuttle Bus Info:

Bibs: We invite you to pick up your bib at one of the pre-race parties at Timber Axe Bar & Bowl in Town Hall Square and at Shipwrecked in Falmouth Heights.

Parking: Please avoid parking on private property. If you park close to a business that will be open, your car may be towed. Parking will be available at the various Falmouth public beach parking lots, the Falmouth Recreation Department, and all along Main Street.

Access to Start line in Woods Hole: Access to the start area in Woods Hole will be limited. There is very little metered, on-street parking available. We suggest you take the FREE buses provided by the race from the finish line in the Falmouth Heights to Woods Hole.

Gear Check: Gear check will be offered on Race Day at the start line in Woods Hole. You’ll be able to check your gear before the race, then pick up your bag at the finish line in Falmouth Heights.

Buses: Buses will load at Falmouth Heights, near the finish line, and drop you off at the start of the race in Woods Hole. Unregistered runners will not be allowed on the buses. Buses will begin loading at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning.

PLEASE NOTE: The last bus to the start line in Woods Hole will load at 10:00 AM.

Unregistered Runners cause many problems: they disrupt the start, infringe on the rights of official runners, utilize resources intended for official runners, and cause congestion at the finish. Please try to discourage anyone who plans to run unofficially. We hope you will discourage “bandits.”

Toilet Facilities: There will be portable toilets where the buses are boarding and at the start and finish areas. Please be considerate of private property and use the portable toilets.

Water: Water will be available at the start, at the two course water stations located at Mile 3 and Mile 5, and at the finish.

Race Numbers: You must wear your number on the front of your shirt. Do not fold or bend your number, bending or folding your number will damage the embedded timing device, with the potential of not being recorded as having completed the race.

*PLEASE DO NOT SWITCH, GIVE AWAY, OR ALTER YOUR NUMBER: This creates problems in compiling the age-group results, especially if a male uses a female number or if a young runner uses a number assigned to an older runner.


The Start Line:

Please Note: For safety and liability reasons, the use of headphones, including ear buds, is discouraged. Strollers, skates, dogs and bicycles are prohibited from the course during the race. If you’re running with friends, please don’t run more than two abreast or impede runners who may want to pass.

Important: If you cannot complete the race by 1:00 PM, you may find yourself finishing the race with increasing traffic on the roads. Also, the finish area will be dismantled starting at 1:00 PM, therefore you may not be timed officially and will not appear in the official results. If you cannot finish the race within that time frame, you must assume responsibility for your own safety.

The Finish Line & Post Race:

Finish Procedure: There will be a clock at the finish that will display the time from the 11:00 AM start. Please DO NOT STOP on the finish line. Continue to walk after crossing the finish line where you will be directed to take a left onto Massachusetts Ave., then left again on Nantucket Ave. This will bring you to the Finish Festival, held at Shipwrecked Restaurant, where runners will receive complimentary chowder and other treats!

Race Results will be available on our mobile app. There will be an awards ceremony for top finishers at approximately 12:30 PM.

Post-Race Party:

We hope you will stay and enjoy our Post-Race Party at Shipwrecked in the back parking lot to enjoy a post-race beer and stay for the Patriots game! There will be chowder, and apple cider donuts from Jack in the Beanstalk. Music, corn hole, fabulous fall photo ops, and the Patriots game!

Visit our FAQs page or email info@falmouthinthefall.com for other race-related questions.

Have a great race!